Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
At SAYSF we strive to help children know Jesus and grow in their understanding of God’s character, faithfulness, and redemptive love. During the service we offer a Kid's Program for ages 5-10 or grades K-5. We also have Awana, for children to connect with God, their peers, the church body, and the world at large.

Sunday Morning and evening
Children's Program at 10:30am-11:15am
We offer a children's program, for kid's in grades K- 5th. Childcare and free-play are offered to children, ages 5 and younger in the preschool room. Older children are welcome to remain in the service and may be taken to the back of the room to play quietly with their parents.
AWANA Clubs at SAYSF Bible Church meet on Sundays through out the school year. The next session of Awana begins Sunday, September 10, 2023. Registration forms and expense sheets will be posted soon. Awana is a Bible centered program that gives children the opportunity to know, love and serve Jesus. Awana is for children age 3 years through 8th Grade.