Tom Hanrahan


I grew up in a family where the truths of the Bible were taught and modeled every day. At a young age I made a decision (as God graciously drew me!) to become a Christian by trusting Jesus as the only One who could pay (through His death) the debt I owed.
As a youngster living in New Jersey, I cared mostly about math and baseball.
My wife, Jan, and I were married in 1982 and moved to southern Maryland when I took a job at NAVAIR. Almost right after we arrived, we became a part of the SAYSF Bible Church family.
Jan and I have been involved in youth ministry, music, and various teaching roles. The church body asked me to serve as an elder in 1989. Since then, the Lord has stretched me in ways I would not have believed; and He has always provided the strength and grace to enable me to serve in whatever way He puts before me.